Red, White & Blew | The Ocho | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Red, White & Blew

8 lesser-known patriotic songs for your 9/11 Spotify playlist



8. "Speak American or Git!" (Billy Ray Palin)

7. "Freakin' on Tha Dance Floor (Do You Remember 9/11?)" (Def Panels feat. Iggy Azalea)

6. "God Bless the USA and, Begrudgingly, New York City" (Ronnie Lee Gurnblatt)

5. "The Red, White & Blue (This PBR's for You)" (The Ironic Product-Placement Specialists)

4. "You Say 9/11 Was an Inside Job, I Say My Foot's Goin' Inside Your Ass" (Rufus & The Rageaholics)

3. "There's No 'I' in America" (Illiterate Johnson)

2. "Big Ol' Jet Airliner ... Is Staying Right Here on the Tarmac" (Steve Miller's Other Band)

1. "Freedom Isn't Free—But These Wal-Mart Prices Practically Are!" (The Ironic Product-Placement Specialists feat. Iggy Azalea)
