Saints and Soldiers | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Saints and Soldiers

Rated PG-13 90 minutes 2003

After Nazis ambush a brigade of Allied soldiers in Belgium, the few remaining survivors, including the sniper, Deacon (Corbin Allred), and Pvt. Kendrick (Lawrence Bagby), take cover in a nearby forest. There, they meet stranded British intelligence officer Oberon (Kirby Heyborne), who has time-sensitive information of vital importance to the Allied effort. Despite the various inner conflicts each of the soldiers carry, they band together to get Oberon safely back into Allied territory.

Film Credits

Director: Ryan Little

Producer: Adam Abel, Ryan Little, Geoffrey Pano and Matt Whittaker

Cast: Corbin Allred, Lawrence Bagby, Kirby Heyborne, Alexander Polinsky, Lincoln Hoppe, Peter Holden, Ruby O'Neil and Ben Gourley

Show Times

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