Salt Lake 2026 | The Ocho | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Salt Lake 2026

8 slogans for SLC's 2026 Olympics bid


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Eight proposed slogans for Salt Lake City’s 2026 Winter Olympics bid:

8. “Salt Lake City 2026: We Almost Have the Booze Thing Worked Out”

7. “Gov. Gary Herbert is Going to Hold His Breath Until You Say Yes”

6. “Ain’t No Party Like a Utah Party, Because a Utah Party Legally Ends at 1 a.m.”

5. “Because Denver is for Stoners”

4. “Because Reno is, Yuck, Reno”

3. “Light the Fire Within … But Not Outside, Due to Drought Conditions”

2. “Did You Hear We Have a Trader Joe’s Now?”

1. “Now With 80 Percent More Bribery Funds”

Twitter: @Bill_Frost
