Eight Sundance Film Festival panels and roundtables not to miss this year:
8. “Drugs Are Ultimately Bad, But Really Cool on Film for 90 Minutes”
7. “Girl Power: Six Prominent Female Directors Complain About Men for an Hour”
6. “So Your Coming-of-Age Tale Has No Gay Overtones: How to Salvage the Project”
5. “Social Media 101: Using MySpace as an Ironic Marketing Tool”
4. “Nevermind: Q&A and Acoustic Performance With the Nirvana Guy Who Isn’t Kurt Cobain or Dave Grohl”
3. “Inside the Actors Studio Apartment: Turning a Marginal Sitcom Career Into a Marginal Independent Film Career”
2. “Funny Business: Christian Bale and Viggo Mortensen on the Importance of Comedy”
1. “How to Make a Film With Only a Fat Trust Fund and Unlimited Free Time”