Oldest Homes Presentation
Take a look before they're all gone. Salt Lake City's Yalecrest neighborhood is one of the oldest and most historic in the state—and also the most targeted for new construction. The K.E.E.P. Yalecrest nonprofit will take you through the 'hood in a slideshow presentation of the recent Oldest Homes Tour, introducing you to the history of the homes and their residents. Many homes are more than 100 years old. Hear the history of the homes and the residents. Anderson, Foothill Library, 1135 S. 2100 East, 801-582-0445, Thursday, June 16, 6:30-7:45 p.m., free to public, KeepYalecrest.org
Rainharvest Barrel Offer
It's legal now—you can collect rainwater in your own backyard. Really, it used to be against the law. Now Salt Lake County, Murray City and Eagle Mountain are partnering with the Utah Rivers Council to offer residents 50-gallon rain barrels as part of what they call the "rainwater harvesting revolution." Barrels can be daisy-chained with no added cost—all components included, even a 6-foot-long overflow hose. Salt Lake County Sports Complex, 595 S. Guardsman Way (adjacent and to the north of the U of U tailgate parking lot), 801-538-7240, Saturday, June 18, 8 a.m.-noon, see website for pricing, RainBarrelProgram.org/URC
Symphony Social Media Photo Contest
Get ready to take tons of photos in anticipation of the Utah Symphony & Opera's Deer Valley Music Festival. "The Great DVMF Adventure" spotlights the six-week outdoor festival and summer events, which open Saturday, July 2, in Park City.
This year, two separate social media contests include more than a dozen interactive photo challenges, encouraging participants to explore the many activities, attractions, experiences and sights of Park City. Participants will submit photographic "evidence" through Instagram, including the hashtag #DVMFadventure, tagging the Utah Symphony (@utahsymphony) and including the challenge number to submit their entry. Check out the grand prizes. Instagram.com, 801-869-9027, Friday-Tuesday, July 1-5; Friday-Monday, July 15-18, free, DeerValleyMusicFestival.org