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A playboy congressman (Tom Hanks) supplements boozing and whoring with taking on the Soviet Union in the ’80s. Priorities, Chuck.
A mysterious monster attacks New York City while being filmed by some douchebag who forgot his tripod. Sickness bag included.
It’s like The Ring, but with cell phones instead of videotapes and a bunch of characters you’d rather see just die, anyway. Enjoy.
The Orphanage
A woman (Belén Rueda) suspects her son has been kidnapped by spooks in an old orphanage, but never considers calling Ghost Hunters.
Possibly the weirdest series ever perpetuated on Adult Swim; you cannot be wasted enough to appreciate it. So, great job!
Totally Baked
The Legalize-It movement convinces America’s parents that smoking marijuana will prevent their kids from turning gay. Finally!
More New DVD Releases (April 22)
Friday Night Lights: Season 2, How Did It Feel?, L.A. Blues, L.A. Twister, Laverne & Shirley: Season 4, The Savages, Starting Out In the Evening, Thieves & Liars, Trailer Park Boys: The Movie
Dr. Steve Brule
One of the most consistent (relatively) bits on Tim & Eric: Awesome Show, Great Job is guest John C. Reilly’s Dr. Steve Brule, who presents the hilariously unhinged “Brule’s Rules,” questionable tips for healthier living. One of the best is “Last Resort Fighting” against “dirtbags” and “raper guys.”
Listen to Bill Mondays at 8 a.m. on X96’s Radio From Hell. Raper-guy blogging at