Twilight Tuesdays | The Word Blog | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Twilight Tuesdays



The first three Tuesdays in November, Summit is bringing 'Twilight Tuesdays' to Cinemark Theaters. Including Century 16 in South Salt Lake and Century Theaters at Union Heights (visit for more screening locations).

During this first Twilight Saga Tuesdays event on November 1st, Twilight will be shown and fans will see an exclusive reel that will include behind-the-scenes footage from ComicCon 2008; fan footage from the Twilight Premiere; as well as commentary from cast members about their experiences making Twilight, and how the unprecedented fan turn out set the film and cast on the road to stardom. Also, for the first and only time on the big screen, fans will be treated to a special clip of Robert Pattinson performing the song, “Bella’s Lullaby,” which is featured in Twilight. (RSVP on Facebook)

Before the start of The Twilight Saga: New Moon on November 8, fans will see behind-the-scenes coverage of the filming of The Twilight Saga: New Moon in Italy, as well as footage from other New Moon fan events.(RSVP on Facebook)

The final event showing The Twilight Saga: Eclipse on November 15, kicks off with exciting footage from one of the largest Hollywood premieres ever with more than 4,500 guests and 5,000 fans in attendance. Cast members will also discuss their favorite scenes from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and share never-before-seen footage from Comic-Con 2011. (RSVP on Facebook)

You can purchase tickets at the theaters directly or through You can also join Salt Lake City Twilight Fans, a local fan club of The Twilight Series, at The Union Heights location each Tuesday at 7:00pm.

By Kandi Prickett

Salt Lake City Twilight Fans Twitter: @SLCTwiFans