This is the fifth entry in the dimly lit vampires-vs-werewolves franchise, but the first one where I generally understood what was happening. (And that's without having seen part 4!) It's still a mediocre rehearsal of genre conventions, and somewhat pointless—the story hinges on everyone trying to extract information from someone who doesn't have it—but at least it's coherent. Our super-vampire heroine, Selene (Kate Beckinsale), though considered a traitor for reasons I do not recall but which seemed valid, is summoned to vampire HQ to help train new soldiers to fight the revitalized werewolf army that will arrive any day. That's if the vampires can stop fighting among themselves, which they can't. Vampire hunk David (Theo James) is on Selene's side; ambitious coven leader Semira (Lara Pulver) schemes campily with her lover/stooge Varga (Bradley James); all are unaware of the double- and triple-crosses that await them. Directed by first-timer Anna Foerster, the action is negligible, the dialogue forgettable, the thrills rare and fleeting. Can't wait for part 6!
Eric D. Snider