If you enjoy musicals—especially those that are co-created by children and represent all the fine arts in one sitting—check out this original musical created through the collaborated efforts of the University of Utah Fine Arts LEAP students and the children of Neighborhood House day care. What began as a blank canvas became a whimsical story of a child magically abducted by a painting at a museum, who then has to assist each character in the painting so she can return home. Sounds a little like that old black-and-white classic from Oz, with a modern-day twist.
Students dedicated class time and two days a week at the day care generating ideas and input, which allowed the team to write the music, lyrics and script, choreograph the dancing, build the sets and make the costumes. Film majors captured the process and put together a documentary that will be shown at intermission to give the audience a behind-the-scenes view of how the process of creating a musical from scratch to stage goes down.
Color Your Way Home @ Marriott Center for Dance, 330 S. 1500 East, University of Utah, 801-585-3266, April 27, 6:30 p.m., free. Events.Utah.edu