What Utah Negatives? | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly
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What Utah Negatives?



In John Saltas’ column [“Common Clay,” Jan. 14, City Weekly], he opined on why someone would want to move to Utah. He lists several negatives, such as the attorney general fiasco, Governor Herbert’s “warm heart” and gay marriage.

These aren’t negatives, but extremely huge positives. Suppose your company operates in a legal gray area. No problem: All you have to do is donate to the attorney general’s campaign fund, and your legal problems go away. Need a law changed or a want a tax break? With the extremely lax ethics laws, a governor or legislator is only a donation away from doing your bidding. With no gay marriage, your benefits costs have been reduced. And a large dropout rate from schools, high birthrate, right-to-work laws and a state minimum wage no higher than the federal rate equals an unlimited supply of cheap, dumb workers.

Bryan White
South Jordan