Which is the prettier picture: an older man married to a young woman, or an older woman married to a young man?
Ted Scheffler: Well, being an old fart married to a pretty young gal, I politely decline comment …
Lia Pretorius: I’m not touching this one with a 10-foot pole!
Jesse James Burnitt: If it’s a young gold digger and an older paycheck, it’s just plain ugly. Truly happy couples make a pretty picture, regardless of age, race or gender.
Bryan Mannos: Either woman, a bale of barbed wire, a pony, two bottles of whiskey, a harmonica in the key of C, gummy bears and a Eurail pass …
Melisa Hemond: Neither. Love is just that: love. Be it one older, one younger, same sex, etc.; to me, love is beautiful in every way!
Paula Saltas: As long as I’m in the picture, you know it’s pretty.
Josh Loftin: Good: Hugh Hefner and his Playmate “wives,” because who wouldn’t want to wear a bathrobe all day? Bad: Warren Jeffs and his celestial, underage “wives.”
Kathy Mueller: Wasting away again in Cougaritaville ... always a pretty picture.
Jeff Reese: I have been in both scenarios, and I would say that the maturity level of both people determines how pretty the picture is—though it seems more socially acceptable for the man to be the older one.
Jesse Fruhwirth: Marriages of any sort are rarely a pretty picture.
Leo Dirr: An older woman shacking up with a younger man ... definitely. If you’re an older woman reading this, I’m not saying anything about my personal preferences (or am I?).
Scott Renshaw: The pretty picture is of any two people who are married and in love. And also, maybe, the chick is wearing something slutty.