Where to Invade Next | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Where to Invade Next

Rated R 119 minutes 2016

★★★★★ ★★★★★
Issue-oriented documentaries are so generally dour and panic-inducing that an approach like the one Michael Moore takes here—“He guys, there are solutions out there! Lots of them! C’mon, let’s take a look!”—comes off as almost revolutionary. Though the title might suggest a ferocious takedown of American imperial warfare, it consists instead of Moore on a world tour to capture from other countries the resources that we most need: their good ideas on matters like worker vacations, healthy school lunches, free college education, prison reform, gender equality and more. Yes, Moore inevitably over-simplifies many (if not most) of the subjects he addresses; it’s almost an afterthought when he mentions that Finland’s great public schools are in part a result of private for-profit schools being illegal there, which would never ever happen in America. But the often light-hearted tone applied to his fascinating, educational travelogue blends well with a concept that we sometimes need to be reminded of: The only thing that makes so many American problems seem unsolvable is our own damned stubbornness.

Film Credits

Official Site: wheretoinvadenext.com

Director: Michael Moore

Writer: Michael Moore

Producer: Michael Moore, Tia Lessin, Carl Deal, Mark Shapiro, Will Staeger and Rod Birleson

Cast: Michael Moore

Show Times

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