Winter is Chugging | The Nueve | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Winter is Chugging

Nine drinking games to play during this season of Game of Thrones:

by and

9. Kings's Cup: Ring of Dragon Fire edition.
8. Drink every time your girlfriend feels weird.
7. Chug a beer every time Jorah Mormont comes on a bittoo strong.
6. Take a shot for every scene you think could have definitely used a dragon.
5. Drink every time your sister feels weird.
4. Chug half a beer every time you have to Google something to remember why you're upset.
3. Play Power Hour from the time the show is supposed to air until HBO GO actually streams it.
2. Drink twice every time you think of Joffrey and get the feels.
1.Drink for every nipple displayed—man, woman or beast.
