Empty Racks, Empty Minds | Buzz Blog
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Empty Racks, Empty Minds



Thanks to the reader who noticed a City Weekly rack had been cleaned out and its papers dumped into a recycle bin. Not only did the reader let us know it happened but he actually placed them back in the rack. ---

This week's cover feature "Latter-Day Taint," with its focus on Glenn Beck's Mormonism, was bound to ruffle a few feathers. But for the "ruffled" to dispose of papers before others get a chance to read them is truly gutless. Even Glenn Beck would agree.

Not only is it cowardly, it is flat-out theft, and we do go after people who steal our papers. It's true, there is no charge for our paper, but it is "one per customer."

So if you notice an empty City Weekly rack, let our office know. We'll refill it. And if you see a paper heist going on, give us a call at 801-575-7003. Keep in mind we have an electronic version of our paper, complete with ads, on our Website.
