Porn is all over the place these days. Every nook, cranny and nation, it seems, has its own little quirky stories.
Here is a list of 10 weird porn-related headlines from around the world: ---
Italian director plans 3D porn filmThis is long overdue: 3D porn. Apparently
the guy who directed "Caligula" wants to make one of these films.
But even if he doesn't, I've seen some rumors around the Internet that others plan to do it, too. Should be interesting. My only question is: Who will play Long Duk Dong?
Australia considers banning small boobs in pornWhy oh why oh why? I can't figure out
what Australia has against small boobs. They say this ban would be for the children. Apparently, small-breasted women of all ages appeal to the pedophile inside us all. I'm sure the Hooters girls will be happy to hear this.
Moscow porn snarls trafficSome genius thought it would be fun to
jam up traffic by displaying porn on a Jumbotron. It was fun, just not for the distracted drivers.
Canadian magazine's beaver buried by porn filtersPorn filters are funny things. They don't know the difference between good beavers and bad beavers. An old, established Canadian magazine learned that the hard way when it discovered its name consistently triggered these pesky filters.
The Beaver reportedly plans to change its name to Canada's History. Oh Canada!
I wonder if Bucky the Beaver has had the same problem?
Detroit porn star lies about infecting 500 men with AIDSThis is one of those weird porn stories that is definitely sadder than it is funny.
Why would this woman claim to have infected people with AIDS? What a sick and twisted world we live in.
New Zealanders prefer online porn to pirated movies
Apparently somebody did a survey of 1,000 New Zealand residents asking them
whether it is more morally acceptable to watch porn online or download pirated movies. Almost half of respondents said watching porn is hunky-dory. It's good to see people with priorities.
China makes moms watch pornWhat's the price of tea in China? Who cares? This Communist country now
encourages moms to watch more porn.
They say it's for the children. The real goal is supposedly to get moms to police the Internet. But somehow this just doesn't seem right. Would you really want your mom watching porn?
Japan Jump-Starts a New Trend: Old-Folks PornYet another reason to love Japan. It's engaging new audiences by
turning old fogies into porn stars.
The little Asian island has produced such fascinating adult features as
Forbidden Elderly Care and
Sex Adventures With Dentures. OK, maybe I made that last one up.
British government site prompts kids to Google gay pornUK government site Directgov put a
banner on its children section for Buster's World, which is the name of a gay porn site. And kids started to do what kids these days do: they Googled it.
Obviously, this wasn't an intentional move on the part of Directgov, but OMG still!
Utah Leads Nation in Online Porn ViewingWha???? Mormons watch porn????
The only thing surprising about this headline was that it took a Harvard professor to figure this out. Why wasn't BYU on top of this? Let me guess, no budget. Watch this
video story posted on Daily Kos.
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