Get Free Tickets to CWMA Closing Party | Buzz Blog
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Get Free Tickets to CWMA Closing Party


Want free tickets to the City Weekly Music Awards closing party? Just help us spread the word about this awesome event.

I'm giving away 10 tickets to the closing party to some of City Weekly's most loyal local music fans. If you want a free ticket or two, here's what you do: ---

Tell your friends about our event!

Share this blog post on your social networks

E-mail your friends

Whisper in your co-worker's ear (While complying with all sex-harassment policies and statutes, of course)

Then leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you did to spread the word and how I can contact you on Twitter or Facebook or your blog.

I'll notify all recipients by Friday at 2 p.m. Recipients can pick up tickets at City Weekly offices or at The Depot box office.

Here's what you need to know:

City Weekly Music Awards Closing Party is Saturday, Feb. 20, at The Depot. Doors open at 8 p.m. First band begins at 9.

Show features: The Helio Sequence and local bands Bird Eater, The Naked Eyes and Paul Jacobsen & The Madison Arm.

Here's how to get tickets:

Kostizi $10 Search for cwma (Limited discounted tickets available)

Slowtrain Records, 221 East Broadway Salt Lake City,  $10 (Limited discounted tickets available) $15

The Depot $20 at the door

Save yourself some money by buying tickets in advance.

See you at the party!