Insane Movie Premise Alert!: Bad Biology | Buzz Blog
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Insane Movie Premise Alert!: Bad Biology



I'm acquainted with the works of Frank Henenlotter, auteur behind such schlock-horror classics as the Basket Case trilogy and Frankenhooker. So how is it I somehow wasn't aware of one of the most batshit insane movie concepts ever? ---

The title in question is Bad Biology, new to DVD a couple of weeks ago. I could attempt to describe the premise, but there's no way I could do it the kind of justice done by Vern, the Internet's most legendary pseudonymous B-movie aficionado. Check out his analysis of Bad Biology here, then return with jaw appropriately dropped.

I can only think of two possible responses to becoming conscious of this film's existence: 1) despair that cinema is officially leading humanity into irretrievable depravity; or 2) immediately putting it at the front of your Netflix queue. No other course of action makes sense.