Pimp This Bum | Buzz Blog
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Pimp This Bum


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There is a special screening of Pimp This Bum tonight at Peery's Egyptian Theatre---

Tim Edwards was a homeless man living on the streets of Houston. Sean and Kevin Dolan approached him, asking if he would hold a sign that said "All Major Credit Cards Accepted www.pimpthisbum.com."

After three months, the website had received over $75,000 in donations. Those donations went to help Tim Edwards get off the streets, enter rehabilitation for alcoholism and get a job. Today Edwards is living independently and the father and son duo are continuing their work for "Pimp This Bum" to help other homeless people.

After having reached the semifinals in the WorldFest Houston International Independent Film Festival, there is a private screening in Ogden because Sean Dolan's co-filmmaker is native Utahn Issac Goeckeritz, who has won several awards for other films like Ogden: Junction City of the West.

The film focuses mostly on Tim Edwards himself, and how the project has helped him to get his life back on track. The project has garnered international interest, with donations coming from all over the world. The Dolans say they have had some negative feedback too, mostly from people who think they're exploiting the homeless for profit (they began Pimp This Bum as a project for their marketing firm, but it is strictly a non-profit organization in itself). But the father/son duo is clear they are continuing the project with no ulterior motives.

All donations from pimpthisbum.com go to homeless participants in the project. The interest around the world as well as the success of the film project at WorldFest should prod your curiosity, and maybe even generosity.

Pimp This Bum @ Peery’s Egyptian Theater, 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden, 801-689- 8700, March 12, 7:30 p.m. PimpThisBumMovie.com
