LCD Soundsystem on sale Sat.; Chrissie Hynde comes to P.C. | Buzz Blog
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LCD Soundsystem on sale Sat.; Chrissie Hynde comes to P.C.



The Pretenders leader and Rock n Roll Hall of Famer is coming to Park City for an Oct. 16 gig. That's not the only new show announcement of note.---

The appearance of JP, Chrissie and the Fairground Boys is arguably the most intriguing new show, though. The project evolved out of the romance of Hynde and 30-years-her-junior JP, who met after the last Pretenders tour, took a vacation to Cuba and came home with an album's worth of material captured on Fidelity!, the band's debut. Tickets for the show go on sale to the public Aug. 25, via the Eccles Center for the Performing Arts.

Today, the Bad Religion/Bouncing Souls show slated for Nov. 13 went on sale via, and on Saturday, the Sara Bareilles (Nov. 17) and Ingrid Michaelson (Oct. 26) go on sale via the same outlet.

Also on sale Saturday morning, arguably the hottest fall show booked to date in Salt Lake: LCD Soundsystem and Hot Chip Oct. 19 at The Complex goes on sale at 10 a.m. via
