Volunteers needed to paint D.V. Shelter | Buzz Blog
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Volunteers needed to paint D.V. Shelter



This Saturday come join Five Star Painting in doing volunteer beautification of Provo’s House of Hope Shelter for domestic violence victims.---

Volunteers need only bring a good attitude and willingness to paint, this Saturday morning, to take part in Five Star C.A.R.E.S (Clean-up And Repaint Event Service project). Branches nationwide will be donating services to volunteers looking to help out their community. In Provo volunteers can help repaint and restore the House of Hope, a shelter for abuse and domestic violence victims, especially mothers with children.

Get up early, roll up your sleeves and do some good: This Saturday, Sep. 18, 9 a.m. At the House of Hope, 1726 Buckley Lane, Provo. Contact Mikelle Despain at mdespain@fivestarpainting.com for more info
