Lounge Act: Monday with Chopin, Hamlet and a dance frenzy | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act: Monday with Chopin, Hamlet and a dance frenzy



Looking for a way to get out of family home evening Monday night? We got some tips for ya.---

I went and saw the Pioneer Theater Company's new edition of Hamlet (pictured) on Friday and was pleasantly surprised. Not surprised because it was good—Hamlet is obviously one of Shakespeare's best works, if not THE best—but surprised because director Charles Morey sets his Hamlet in what appeared to be the early 1900s. While I usually like my Bard Elizabethan-style, this adaptation worked just fine. Watch for the official City Weekly review to come later this week, and I'll be reviewing the show on KUER, 90.1 FM, Friday morning. Hamlet begins at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theater.


Salt Lake choreographer Ashley Anderson's company is hosting a free, informal dance series that begins tonight at the Masonic Temple, and it will feature works in progress by the likes of Matt Beals, Prentice Whitlow, Movement Forum, Kitty Sailer, Nancy Carter, Rachael Shaw, Hillary Van Moorleghem, Katie Meehan, Sam Hanson, Harmony Wolfe, Diana Crum and more. Every dance style imaginable is in play, and you'll get to see some cutting edge stuff without taking a hit to the wallet. The performances begin at 7:30 p.m.

200 years of Chopin

Westminster College is hosting a Chopin extravaganza and they have three performances go to, including tonight's by Kori Bond and Mark Neiwirth at the Vieve Gore Concert Hall on campus at 7:30 p.m.
