Lounge Act Tuesday: Shadows, Bear Hands, Blizzards & Loudmouths | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Tuesday: Shadows, Bear Hands, Blizzards & Loudmouths



There's a blizzard brewing according to the weather-predictin' folks, so get ready to brave some sketchy roads in order to get your groove on Tuesday night.---

There's good reason to break out your sled dogs. DJ Shadow (pictured) is headlining a gig at The Depot that also features rapper extraordinaire Pigeon John. You can read our interview with DJ Shadow right here, in which he discusses the trials and tribulations of making albums of brilliant experimental hip-hop. And you can dig on a cool video there as well.

Across town at Kilby Court, Bear Hands do their thing as headliners. Check out a video of the band right here.

If you find yourself at home at 6 p.m., with your satellite TV suffering from the blizzard and no plans to leave the house, tune in to KRCL 90.9 FM for Radioactive, which Tuesday night will feature a discussion on "Songs That Changed the World." I'll be yakking it up, along with Angela Brown from SLUG and Mathew Landis.
