City Weekly on HBO's Big Love | Buzz Blog
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City Weekly on HBO's Big Love


In September of 2010, City Weekly got a nice shout-out from Bored to Death. Closer to home in the upcoming January season premiere of HBO’s Utah-centric polygamy drama Big Love, a fabricated issue of CW appears not once, but twice.---

In the aftermath of Sandy businessman Bill Henrickson (Bill Pullman) winning a seat in the Utah senate and then outing himself and his family as polygamists last season, the ensuing local media storm is apparently so consuming at the onset of Season 5 (premiering Sunday, Jan. 16) that even City Weekly has to put it on the cover, along with the Deseret News and Provo’s Daily Herald (though mentioned in the episode, The Salt Lake Tribune is nowhere to be seen).

HBO must like us. It might be a stretch, but is there any chance we could get on True Blood next?

