Rally against food sales-tax hike! | Buzz Blog
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Rally against food sales-tax hike!



Tuesday, advocates will be presenting a letter to House Speaker Rebecca Lockhart asking her not to pass a senate bill to raise the sales tax on food.---

Low-income advocates of the Crossroads-Urban Center believe the passing of Senate Bill 270 will affect 93.5 percent of families that make less than $150,000 a year. “It just isn't possible for most Utah families to spend enough money on non-food items to make up for what they will pay in new food taxes under this bill,” writes Bill Tibbitts, Anti-Hunger Project Director at Crossroads Urban Center in a recent press release.

Opponents of this bill will gather Tuesday, March 1, at the Utah State Capitol, 350 N. State, in the House Building (West Building) at 12 p.m. Speakers will give some remarks and then present a petition to Speaker Lockhart asking her to oppose the tax hike.