Legislative committee picks for the week | Buzz Blog
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Legislative committee picks for the week



Wimmer’s bill to make nearly all Utahns concealed-weapons carriers, is unholstered in committee this week. So is a bill to allow cyclists treat stops as yields and Rep. John Dougall’s sponsor an immigrant bill.---

House Bill 129 sponsored by Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman would add everybody over the age of 21 to a list of people exempted from the need for a concealed-carry firearms permit. The individual needs to lawfully be able to posses such a weapon in the first place, but there are few restrictions beyond that.

H.B. 129 will be heard at the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee, on Tuesday. The committee begins at 4:10 p.m. Utah State Capitol, 350 N. State, 25 House Building. Check the Legislature’s main page for an audio link.

House Bill 155, sponsored by Rep. Carol Moss, D-Holliday will be coasting into its last committee hearing Tuesday also. This bill would allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yield, if they check to make the intersection is clear before proceeding through. Clickity here for a rundown on this bill’s first committee hearing.

H.B. 155 will be heard at the Senate Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Committee on Tuesday. The hearing starts at 6:55 p.m. Utah State Capitol, 350 N. State, 215 Senate Building. Check the Legislature’s main page for an audio link.

Wednesday will offer the first hearing of House Bill 469, sponsored by Rep. John Dougall,-R-Highland. Dougall’s bill would allow Utahns the ability to sponsor immigrants to come to the state so long as they passed a criminal background check and health screening. The sponsor would be held financially responsible for the sponsored immigrant while they are in Utah and the country. Clickety here to read about the early pitch on this idea Dougall made to a Utah County immigration forum this fall.

H.B. 469 will be heard Wednesday in the House Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Committee, which starts at 8:30 a.m. Utah State Capitol, 350 N. State, 25 House Building. Check the Legislature’s main page for an audio link.