CW on the street: Citizens react to HB477 | Buzz Blog
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CW on the street: Citizens react to HB477


City Weekly walked the streets today and searched for citizen’s responses regarding Governor Herbert signing HB 477, which would exempt the Legislature from GRAMA and remove text messages from being considered a public record. And search, we did.--- Sadly, when most people were asked their opinion regarding the bill, they replied they had no idea what the bill proposed. We finally found four people willing to share their responses. Check back for continued coverage on updates regarding HB 477.


Clint Bingham, Salt Lake City

"I think it is pretty stupid that they can push something through so fast when they want something done, but when it is something for the people or something we need, it can just sit up there forever. It isn’t even the fact that people want to look at their texts or emails, it is the fact that they are scared for us to look at them. What are they hiding?"


Robert Jones, Salt Lake City

"That bill, I think, should never even have been thought of. The government is for the people, and it should be transparent. All of our elected officials should have a way to be held accountable. If we can't hear or see what is going on, how can we hold them accountable?"


Matthew Brewster, Salt Lake City

"I think Governor Herbert is a coward for signing this bill. He decided to give up instead of stand up for what is right."


Mike Bingham, Salt Lake City

"I think it was shady how he did it behind everyone’s backs when he signed it. He signed it at night when everyone was waiting for it to be protested. It makes me a little but paranoid because it is like, what is really going on? And Governor Herbert’s comment that it couldn’t really be changed or discussed until it was signed, I totally don’t understand or agree with that."