TV Tonight: Community, The Office, Fairly Legal, Jersey Shore | Buzz Blog
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TV Tonight: Community, The Office, Fairly Legal, Jersey Shore


So my plans of holding an advance Brewvies screening of FX’s Louie and Wilfred prior to their premieres in June? FX says, because of prohibitive union fees, ain’t gonna happen. Thanks, unions! Might have a plan B, however—stay tuned. ---

What’s new tonight:
Community (NBC) The theme of Abed’s surprise birthday party is … Pulp Fiction! Can’t wait to see who gets to be The Gimp. OK, we all know it’d be Chevy Chase …

The Office (NBC) Finally back after weeks off, and The Office is jumping right into it with Michael’s (Steve Carrel) big marriage proposal to Holly (Amy Ryan). Sure, it’ll be awkward—especially since he’s asking her at the Dunder-Mifflin-Sabre office—but just how awkward on the scale of Epic Office Awkwardness? Hint: Tonight is Ryan’s final guest appearance.

Fairly Legal (USA) Season Finale: Oddly, USA sent me the premiere episode of Fairly Legal before it premiered back in January, accompanied by a middle ep (?) and tonight’s season finale (??). The whole 10-week run would have been nice, but whatever. Sarah Shahi’s first headlining series has been a pleasant, if uneventful, ride (you know, like most USA shows), but the finale interjects long-overdue turmoil and ends on a cliffhanger that’ll be a little unsatisfying if USA doesn’t pick it up for Season 2. Who could say no to Shahi?

Jersey Shore (USA) Season Finale: This must end. Jersey Shore has worn out its welcome, doused it in Axe, dry-humped it on the balcony and left it to drown in the hot tub—and yet there’s going to be a Season 4, in Italy! Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for Season 2 of Warren the Ape, MTV. Why do I instead get … ?

The Hard Times of R.J. Berger (MTV) Season Premiere: He’s still in high school, he still has a horse cock, he’s still dealing with “feelings” and shit. Do not care—I want Warren, now!

Also new tonight:
Perfect Couples, 30 Rock, Parks & Recreation, Outsourced
(NBC); Wipeout, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice (ABC); American Idol (Fox); Eagleheart (Adult Swim); TNA Wrestling (Spike); Archer (FX)

Preview: Michael outlines the worst (or best?) proposal scenario ever on The Office: