Lounge Act Tuesday: Christo, Community's Troy and Death Angel | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Tuesday: Christo, Community's Troy and Death Angel



The University of Utah scored quite the impressive lecturer in bringing environmental artist Christo to town, but he's just the tip of a night full of worthy action.---

Christo will speak at 7 p.m. at Kingsbury Hall, and while the event is sold-out, there is a chance to get in for those who want to get in line and hope that some ticket holders don't show up. You never know, it could happen! Christo will be discussing his 40 year career with partner Jeanne-Claude, creating "gentle disturbances" in the public landscape. It should be as intriguing a discussion as Christo's work consistently is. 

Over at the Complex, full-time funny guy and part-time rapper Donald Glover, pictured, who many of you know as Troy on Community, will be doing a show that includes a dose of stand-up and a dose of hip-hop.

Starfucker headlines shows at both Kilby Court (early) and The Urban Lounge (late), while Death Angel headlines a gig for the metal-inclined at Club Vegas. Over at The State Room, the Rural Alberta Advantage do their rootsy folk and rock thing, while old pop-punk faves Unwritten Law headline a gig in one of the Complex's big rooms.