Lounge Act Wednesday: Tedeschi Trucks Band, William Fitzsimmons | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Wednesday: Tedeschi Trucks Band, William Fitzsimmons


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Rock & roll and some fine performing arts are on tap Wednesday.---

There are a few worthy music options for you Wednesday night. The Tedeschi Trucks Band, pictured, combines the extraordinary guitarist Derek Trucks, his blues-belting wife Susan Tedeschi and a slew of excellent players into a concise, soulful package of rock & roll. They'll be playing Kingsbury Hall Wednesday night.

The Complex plays host to the Take Action Tour, headlined by Silverstein, and The Urban Lounge has intense folkie William Fitzsimmons headlining.

A couple of ongoing, season-ending shows by some of Salt Lake City's finest performing arts groups are available for you tonight. The Utah Opera's take on Falstaff continues its run at the Capitol Theatre, while Ballet West's Innovations program is available for your perusal at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. The Grand Theatre's version of Urinetown: The Musical continues its run.