Now-a-Dollar June 3 | Buzz Blog
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Now-a-Dollar June 3



If you missed it in first run, here's another chance to catch a lively piece of genre filmmaking. ---

Source Code casts Jake Gyllenhaal as a military test pilot caught in an experiment in time-travel anti-terrorism: He's transported back repeatedly to the same eight-minute span before the bombing of a commuter train so he can find the perpetrator. Director Duncan Jones gets more mileage out of the Groundhog Day-meets-Quantum Leap premise than you'd expect, with plenty of slick twists to the story. Not surprisingly, the tricks and traps of time travel get in the way of some attempts at profundity, but it's worth a look.

Meanwhile, Scream 4 will be gone from the second-run theaters after just one week. Nobody even wanted to see it for $1.50. Let's poor a 40 on the curb for this franchise and move on.