Redistricting Committee Meeting Tonight in Tooele | Buzz Blog
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Redistricting Committee Meeting Tonight in Tooele



Roll up your sleeves and join the political-boundary mapmakers meet tonight in Tooele, and make sure they color within the lines.---

Every 10 years, it becomes time to draw up the maps that define Utah’s political districts. Or, as critics would say, divide Utah’s neighborhoods to the benefit of existing political incumbents. Such things happen, of course, when the public can’t be bothered to speak out and/or engage in the process.

That’s why the Legislature’s Redistricting Committee is counting on you to keep them honest!

Check it out, tonight, Tuesday, June 21, at 6 p.m. in Tooele at the Deseret Peak Complex, 2930 West Highway 112 Visit the redistricting committee’s Website here for more info and dates and times of upcoming public hearings.