Lounge Act Tuesday: Blues, Nightmares and Psychics | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Tuesday: Blues, Nightmares and Psychics



Tuesday night has a lot more to offer than one might think, especially for those with an open mind and clear agenda.---

One option is the Blues Brothers Revue that's taking over the Peery's Egyptian Theatre in Ogden Tuesday night. Like most music lovers, I adore the movie and its cavalcade of soul and R&B stars. But seeing a couple of guys reprising the roles of Jake and Elwood Blues in place of Belushi and Ackroyd makes me a little squeamish. On the other hand, this revue has the seal of approval from original Jake (well, his estate) and Elwood, so you know you're going to hear some great music, at the very least. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., so you can take Frontrunner from SLC, no problem.

City Weekly is hosting a Nightmare on 13th Fright Night at one of the valley's many revered haunted houses. You can get a half-off coupon for your admission just by following this link.  It's one-night-only, so get to the Nightmare on 13th spot ready to rage by 7:30 p.m.

Up at the Golden Braid bookstore, a monthly Psychic Fair begins at 6 p.m. You can have your questions answered and your future told via any number of means: numerology, cards, palm-reading -- you name it. I went last month and was given a frighteningly accurate and precise batch of predictions, but it's also great fun.

Up at the Sun and Moon Cafe, the Lionel Young Band (pictured) is doing a show of some addictive blues tunes -- led, unusually, by a wicked fiddle player in Young. It's always a treat to grab some of the cafe grub and then get entertained by top-notch tunes up Emigration Canyon. 

Down in the valley, the Felice Brothers bring their tour supporting their Celebration, Florida album to The State Room for what is sure to be a hot show. More fiddles!