SLC Bites @ Pierpont Place | Buzz Blog
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SLC Bites @ Pierpont Place



On Monday, Nov. 7, Slow Food Utah will host SLC BITES Harvest 2011, featuring food, drink, music and the company of fellow foodies. The event will be held at Pierpont Place (163 Pierpont Ave.) from 7 to 9 p.m.. --- According to the folks at Slow Food, "It's an opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look into how the food we love is created, from farm to kitchen to your plate, and mingle with kindred spirits in a casual atmosphere."

The autumn version of SLC BITES will feature antipasti from Tony Caputo's Market & Deli, with specialty bites provided by chef Jen Gilroy of Meditrina and Fred Moesinger, owner-chef of Caffe Molise

The great Joshu Payne Trio will supply the live tunes, with wines provided by Francis Fecteau and Libation, Inc.

The cost is $20 for food (bites) and $10 for wine (sips).