Lounge Act Monday | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Monday


A second CD-release show for a local band, a rescheduled show for a touring band who got stuck in Wyoming over the weekend and a killer five-piece indie-pop act will get this week’s live-tunes selection started off on the good foot.---

The Moth & The Flame CD release show set for 11.11.11 sold out in advance, which is an unusual feat for Velour down in Provo. If you couldn’t get in to the show, a second release show is scheduled for tonight, with Book on Tapeworm and Grey Fiction set to open. I was down there Friday, and would highly recommend this performance. The gig starts at 8 p.m.

The folk-punk trio The Devil Makes Three were caught in Wyoming on Sunday due to the weather. So their show has been rescheduled for tonight. It was initially sold out, but there might be a chance to get a ticket if folks had to receive a refund because they couldn’t make it out on a school night. DMT puts on one ruckus of a hoedown live in concert. The show is set for 8 p.m. at The State Room; you can call the venue for ticket information.

Ra Ra Riot brings their lush soundscapes and catchy indie pop to The Urban Lounge tonight. Check out a City Weekly interview with frontman Wes Miles right over here.

Outside of the live-music realm, Design Week kicks off tonight with the Pixels of Fury party. Read more here.