Local Releases: Techno & Singles | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: Techno & Singles



So many of the albums that have been popping up lately haven't been getting proper release shows. I blame the weather. --- Seriously, do you want to go to a cold venue right now? While some of your favorite spots adjust their weather stripping to the nippy season, we'll instead look at local albums that have come out online, starting with the experimental electronica that is RS-2090. This project has been out and about for a few months now doing underground showcases; two men and a table of equipment putting out beats and effects for low-fi dancing. About all we can deduce from the minimal amount of info is that one-half of the duo is Andrew Aguilera of Mooninite fame. In any case, they released the full-length debut album Minialbum the first week of January, which has some really decent beats you should check out. You can download it all for a “name your price” tag on Bandcamp.


While we're on the subject of experimental techno, this little diddy from ASATO was passed onto me by a friend. I have no real info for this project, but apparently they have a fascination with Disney. It's pretty interesting to listen to, with its share of dark tones mixed with the lead singer's infectious high tone. You can download the full-length album Ultra Terrestrial, as well as The LDS EP, totally for free on the project's Bandcamp page.


Keeping the electronica going, we have the latest from Cryangles, which is essentially the solo project of SLC's own Blair Woodward. Over the past six months, Woodward has sporadically released singles and EPs as he's seen fit; no real plan or reasoning behind them, either, but there's some definite experimentation happening with noise and reverb throughout his works. Last week, he released an EP titled Lucid Dreamscape, which you can check out and download for free (along with his other works) from his Bandcamp page. (I think Bandcamp should start buying ad space here!)


Next up is the latest release from S.L.F.M., a familiar name that's both sparked interest and drawn confusing ire from music fans in Utah. A solo tomboy singer with a loud ukulele in tow, you can often find Jessica Davis on the corner of 2nd East & Broadway during Gallery Stroll, yelling her heart out to whoever passes by. There doesn't seem to be an in-between feeling about Davis' solo project -- people either adore it or despise it for various reasons, and it's that kind of polarizing opinion that helped earn her an opening spot for Sonic Youth in October of 2010. The last we heard from Davis (seen above) was back in April of 2011 with the quiet release of her second full-length album, The Kissing Party. But it appears S.L.F.M. has returned with the release of her third album, Sweet Treats. It's pretty much what you'd expect from her: short/quick/poppy numbers that are often hard to understand. But isn't that part of the charm? You can snag a copy of the album from her Bandcamp page for $5.


Moving on to rock, we have a release from a side project by the name of Above Snakes. The group is comprised of four familiar names to the SLC scene: Keith Callister, Mark Middlemas, John Lyman and Nicci Newman. My understanding from Callister is that the group simply got together to make some music for fun and to “fill in some time.” This self-titled six-track EP has some pretty good acoustic tracks, sounding really nothing like any of their harder projects. It's an album to sit by the fire to with some decent whiskey. You can download it for free off their Bandcamp page.


Switching to stuff that came out this week, a few months ago YNFB Records founder Brad Rhoades said in an interview he was putting together a compilation of music from across the country. This week, he succeeded. CompiNation is a four-album set of music from across the United States, divided up by time zones, featuring many indie names both unknown and on the rise. We'll focus on the one that matters most to us: Mountain, which features music from Baldwin Games, Change To Fire, Battleschool and Cootie Catcher, to name a few. The entire compilation is worth checking out, which you can do on Bandcamp. We strongly recommend this for local appeal.


Officially released today is the final album from Roses & Exile on Dungeon Records. The neo-folk death-rock project hasn't had much out in recent memory, so this final release should mark a closing chapter to fans looking for one last hurrah from the band. For this album, the members were joined by Cathy and Eric Fillion of Sanmarkande out of Montreal, and Michael Browser of Leaders of Men from Melbourne. You can pick up Nomads off Dungeon's Bandcamp site for free.


To close this out properly, we'll feature a couple of singles from some familiar names that have already hit the streets. First up is the latest from Danger Hailstorm who, if you recall, released the song “War” over the summer without a proper album release. It looks like they're continuing that trend with their second single, "And We'll Fly Again Someday," which came out this week. You can snag it off their Bandcamp page for just $1.


And finally, we have a single from indie rockers Uncle Scam. The group made a major splash onto the scene in August 2011 with their album Heavy Cram, but went through a period of “differences” just two months after its release, causing a slight breakup that eventually saw the departure of the group's rhythm section. The band has now carried on as a duo with Ischa still on vocals and Raffi on guitar. The two have been rumored to be working on new material, and we're now seeing some of it trickle out with the release of the single "Fly Free" on YouTube last week. Click this link here to check out the song.


Head out, love music, buy local!