Mist Salt Lake Reminder | Buzz Blog
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Mist Salt Lake Reminder



The one-time, limited-run, "guerrilla" dining experience that is Mist kicks off next week and will run in Salt Lake City from Jan.19 through Feb.19. You can read more about the Mist project and Mist:SaltLake by clicking here. ---

In addition to featuring the talented, creative chef Gavin Baker, formerly of London's renown Fat Duck restaurant, Mist:SaltLake will also be peppered with guests chefs, included some of Utah's best.

Featured on the Mist guest-chef roster are Communal and Pizzeria 712's Colton Soelberg, Takashi restaurant's Takashi Gibo, Viet Pham of Forage fame, and The Copper Onion's Ryan Lowder. Chef Baker and the guest chefs will be assisted by a world-class team of servers, sauciers, garde mangers, poissoniers, rotisseurs and pastry chefs.

The $150 per person 15-course dinners are quickly selling out and advance tickets are mandatory. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit TheMistProject.com