Interview: Leslie & the LYs | Buzz Blog
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Interview: Leslie & the LYs


Hailing from Ames, Iowa, Leslie Hall has all the Crisco needed to fry up some hip-hop. And she took a minute from touring with the LYs to answer some of our greasiest questions.---

Imagine Mimi from The Drew Carey Show dancing to Jazzercize in sparkling gold spandex—a concoction of wide hips, witty hops, willful laughs and DIY stage productions. Hers is a humble Midwest “Bling, Bling,” like Waffle House hashbrowns: smothered in gold glitter, capped with owl-frame glasses and topped with a blond bouffant.

She’s touring in support of a new album, Destination Friendship, and will be at The Urban Lounge Tuesday, Feb. 21.

City Weekly: Well, I'll be Bedazzled, tell us about your traveling gem-sweater museum?

Leslie Hall: Well,  here is the news: My dad turned it into a tailgating bus while I was away on tour with Yo Gabba Gabba. If you ever go to an Iowa State football game and see a Starcraft built in 1976, pee on the wheels; it sends a message to my papa.

CW: Was it really the largest collection of jeweled knits in the world? Why did you start it?

LH: How dare you accuse me of lies and treason?!

CW: Who taught you how to be so damned crafty?

LH: Country boredom and the desire to stay busy during my favorite shows. The seated position is my favorite position, and that’s also the craft position.

CW: Who taught you to be so smooth on the stage?

LH: Television has been like a mother to me. I watch it and it teaches me, and then I produce even greater moves.

CW: Did you ever dream that you would be such a damned diva from Ames, Iowa?

LH: No. I'm usually pretty lazy, and I don't even like ice in my water. And I prefer cold showers, and, sometimes, I don’t wear a bra so my nip-nips are low. So, no, I didn't fit the “Celine” profile.

CW: How do you think your new album is different than your previous efforts?

LH: I have written a ton of songs about pants and snacking, so there is a song about feelings on there. But it is mostly about me singing about what I know most of all, and that is me.

CW: Where do you get the inspiration for some of your songs?

LH: I look in the mirror and practice smiling.

CW: What's a Leslie & the LYs show like?

LH: I dance. I wiggle. There are plenty of shenanigans. People are usually intoxicated. Afterward, we hold each other, and people attempt to touch my bra straps. I usually leave empty handed, but my hands are usually full of locks of hair from my most adoring fans.

CW: Anything else you'd like to add?

LH: Please come. We are driving through winter weather for you. If you don’t come, I wouldn't blame you; it’s a Tuesday, and we've all got cats to pet.