In The Loop: 2/25/12. Events, & Nothing Else | Buzz Blog
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In The Loop: 2/25/12. Events, & Nothing Else



Hello to all you post-reading, comment-leaving, critical-thinking, substance-loving blog enthusiasts --- If you had read this blog entry when it was originally posted last night, you would have read some hilarious commentary on HB363 and what a waste of legislative time it is; oh, the fun that I had writing examples of that insanity and other politically pertinent material. However, since my expertise is to be directed toward penning entertainment/art-related material, I restrained myself and rethought my rant. Since there wasn't much entertainment-related news this week, we're going to just do events today. In lieu of a 337 Wall update, here's some random art from downtown SLC.

Since there isn't much time left to vote, here's my cheap plug along with all the 40 other Websites and blogs trying to win the award. Please vote for "Gavin's Underground" in the 2012 Best Of Utah awards for Best Blog/Site, right here on City Weekly's Website. I know, I know, you've probably already cast your vote, as you've been proverbially beaten across the face with ads for it on Facebook and Twitter by anyone who is even remotely eligible for anything, and I normally don't campaign for this because I feel people are smart enough to just vote for me without being constantly nudged, provoked or bribed into doing so. (No, I have no iPads for anyone who votes.) But if you like this blog and you like reading it, please vote for me in the awards before they close them down. Or don't, and go vote for someone who deserves it, instead of people who harassed you about it for the past 3 weeks.


Tomorrow night, our good friends Jeff Vice and Jimmy Martin of the Big Movie Mouth-Off will be presenting the Oscars in the only way you can watch them: drunk, with a bunch of hecklers. The duo will be taking over Brewvies Cinema Pub Sunday night to show the four-hour “extravaganza” on the big screen for free, which you are encouraged to come watch and make fun of; one of the few times you can boo with a crowd of people at an events ceremony.


This Monday night, for those of you down in Provo, Velour will have a lovely film treat. The venue will be showing Miss Representation, the 2011 documentary film from Jennifer Newsom that premiered at Sundance last year. The film takes a look at the under-representation of powerful women in the media, with interviews from several women celebrities and political leaders who offer commentary and viewpoints on the film's motto: You can't be what you can't see. You can get tickets in advance for $10 or $15 at the door; film kicks off at 7 p.m.


If film isn't your thing or you can't get down there, check out the L8D Comedy Night over at Brewvies that same night. (Damn, Brewvies, you're just hosting everything these days!) Jon Feistmann, Eric "EK" Kepoo, Ryen Schlegel and Levi Rounds will take the theater stage for a night of stand-up comedy, followed by the Quentin Tarantino written movie True Romance -- a night of comedy and film for just $5, kicking off at 8 p.m.


Moving on down the week to Friday, The Hive Gallery will be debuting its new exhibition, De-Rezzed. Video-game lovers just smiled with glee, but for those of you not in the know, the works you'll see on display for this event will all be related to video gaming in some shape or form. I've seen a couple of the pieces on their way to the gallery -- if you're any kind of gamer, you'll enjoy this show! The list of artists displaying work this week includes Jonathon B. Baker, Betso, Rob James, Eric Himle, Andy Chase, Tyler Davis, Paper Wasp, Bacee Bedard, Dillon Thompson, Dusk, Troy Henderson, and Emily Paige Vincent. Go check it out.


Skipping on down to the following week, on March 5 there's an event I can't speak much on (being a part-time SLUG employee, for full disclosure) but Craft Lake City will start taking submissions for artists and performers for their 4th annual festival. If you're interested in joining, get your submissions in before the deadline on the poster below.


On March 9, we've got a pair of events. First off is the Hip Hop Roots: Salt Lake City event. This event actually started out in Las Vegas and has become one of their longest-running local showcases. The event has branched out to San Diego, and here in SLC, this will be the second after a successful first show at Kilby Court last month. There will be an open mic, breakdancing, freespinning, graff painting, plus ECID and Burnell Washburn headlining with several guests. This month, the showcase will be at The Sugar Space; it will be an all-ages show but there will be wristbands for people 21 and over to partake in a small bar. If you wanna join the open mic, hit them up at


Meanwhile, from March 9-11 the SLC Tattoo Convention will be taking over the Salt Palace. I'd tell you more, but every year I send an e-mail for info but never receive a reply from organizers; nor do they take part in an interview for the blog. So, this will probably be the last year I officially try to promote the event. Here's the poster, go enjoy yourself!


And one more event that I can't speak much on, for reasons previously indicated, but we're also a sponsor. The SLUG Games' second event of 2012 will take place on March 10. Shred The Park After Dark takes over Park City Mountain Resort from 2-6 p.m. with a bunch of competitions planned. Go sign up if you haven't already.


As for the blog: We'll have a couple of film-related interviews with a local director, as well as looking at a local film headed to a festival. We'll also take a look at a small dance company, check in with another local podcast, interview another rising comedian and look at the latest premiere play from Plan-B. At least, that's the plan. For all I know, there's a House bill in the works to ruin it all. As always, we'll see what happens.

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