New arrivals in second-run theaters this Easter weekend are all about the scary -- some achieving it better than others. ---
The scariest may be Woody Harrelson's rogue cop in Rampart, director Oren Moverman's profile of the corruption surrounding the infamous Los Angeles Police Department precinct. It's a terrific performance by Harrelson, capturing a guy whose sense of justice has become entangled with his sense of entitlement. The story may feel over-plotted, but this single character is so utterly unique that the flaws are easier to overlook.
The other efforts were more unevenly received. Our Andrew Wright was keen on both the execution of the real-time gimmick and the committed performance by Elizabeth Olsen in Silent House, about a young woman harassed by an unknown entity. Meanwhile, Eric D. Snider was only one among nearly everybody who thought the psychological thriller Gone thankfully was gone from most theaters in a matter of days.