Glad You Asked: Bees, Boards and Art | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Bees, Boards and Art


1 comment
Dear GYA, Everyone is making such a fuss over that video of me pre-chewing my baby's food and then feeding him mouth-to-mouth. I mean, like, what's the big deal?--- People have been feeding their kids like this for thousands of years! Go ahead and ask a scientist. So, is anything happening tonight where it's acceptable for me to do this? - Alicia Silverstone

Alicia, uh, I don't even know where to begin here. I think you're confusing your kid with a bird. You see, birds have been doing this for millions of years -- not people, birds. Your son is not a bird. OK, enough of that. Here's what happening today:

The Utah Cultural Celebration Center will be showcasing its assemblage art collection Renewal: Finding New Life Through Art for free all day today. The idea behind this exhibit is to take old pieces of junk and turn them into beautiful pieces of art. I think it's like that episode of The Simpsons where Homer turns his barbecue pit into a piece of priceless art. This is exactly why I'm not allowed to write art reviews.   

It's officially Spring now that baseball season is in full swing. So at 6:35 p.m. head over to Spring Mobile Ballpark to cheer on the Salt Lake Bees as they take on the Tuscon Padres. Tickets are still $8-$25 bucks. If you're not into baseball, then go to see the T-shirt cannon. 

The North Face Masters is one of the largest big-mountain snowboarding competitions in the world and it's going on all day today at Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort. Seeing as today is the final stop of this prestigious tour, boarders will be shredding for the chance to take away a $50,000 purse. Imagine how much Red Bull that buys. 

Other worthwhile events:  

- Devin Harris and the Utah Jazz are back at home tonight as they take on Dirk Nowitski and the Dallas Mavericks at 7 p.m.  

- Geeks Who Drink pub trivia will be going down at Devil's Daughter Bar & Grill tonight at 8 p.m.  

- (The) Odyssey, An Original Adaptation, will be at Dixie State College at 7 p.m. tonight.  

For today's complete list of things to do, click here.  

Wolf is also the author of City Weekly's The Secret Handshake.

Twitter: @WolfColin