Joshua Payne Orchestra bigger than ever tonight | Buzz Blog
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Joshua Payne Orchestra bigger than ever tonight


Joshua Payne Orchestra’s bi-weekly smorgasbord of experimental jazz at Circle Lounge will be bigger than ever tonight with several guest appearances -- a veritable feast of summer sonic delight.---

JPO has been holding the musical shindig down at Circle Lounge since December and have had guests sit in before, generally one per night. Tonight, however, there will be several guest vocalists in a variety of musical styles, from folk to rock to hip-hop. They include David Williams, David Payne (Red Bennies) and Mark Dago and Fisch (Rotten Musicians, The Numbs, more).

“Backing up other artists is like the band is on a roller coaster, and Joshua is furiously laying down the tracks just ahead of us,” says drummer Dan Thomas. Usually, JPO sight-reads a music chart, but they have previously backed up these particular guests, so they know their music, Thomas adds.

Read more about Joshua Payne Orchestra and the slimmed-down hip-hop-covering iteration, Joshua Payne Trio.

“I know it's fun for the Davids to just sing with no guitars in their hands, and Dago and Fisch really like the big live band as a variation to a DJ,” Thomas says. “It's fun to have guest musicians involved. JPO is pretty nimble, so it's fun to stretch into other styles and make it work for our band. And that diversity makes us more accessible, and,hopefully, more fun for the audience.”

The show is free and goes from 8 - 11 p.m.

Starting June 22, JPO will again take to the streets with their exciting Friday midnight street shows at various locations around downtown. Check for more info.

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