The Colonel Loves His Gays | Buzz Blog
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The Colonel Loves His Gays



I’ve been thinking that the whole Chick-fil-A kerfuffle is an ideal marketing opportunity for KFC to finally overcome its sketchy history on gay issues.---

Not that it would mean more humane treatment for the chickens or make them taste any better but, businesswise, a public announcement in support of marriage equality would allow KFC to capture a traditionally brand-loyal consumer base. (The gays take their boycotts seriously, and hold serious grudges -- for instance, to this day, no self-respecting gay bar will serve Florida orange juice, even though Anita Bryant has been out of the picture for decades!)

Apparently, the folks at Funny or Die were thinking along the same lines -- John Goodman is featured as Colonel Sanders:
KFC Loves Gays with John Goodman from John Goodman