Rally Wednesday Against KSL's Dumping of Gay-Themed Show | Buzz Blog
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Rally Wednesday Against KSL's Dumping of Gay-Themed Show



KSL TV decided to dump the show The New Normal that features a gay couple seeking a surrogate mother, for “explicit” content. LGBT advocates are calling out the NBC affiliate owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for censorship with a rally Wednesday.---

The affiliate announced the decision not to air the show last week to quick criticism of censorship of a comedy portraying a gay couple going through the decision to find a surrogate mother for a child they hope to raise together. The show is co-written and co-produced by Ryan Murphy, creator of the hit show Glee, and apparently did not meet the standards of KSL TV. In a short pair of tweets, KSL responded this week that it “did not cancel @TheNewNormal because it features gay characters. To oversimplify the decision to a single issue is simply inaccurate. KSL considers the entirety of a show before making such a sensitive decision. Explicit scenes and demeaning stereotypes are not comedy.”

Local LGBT advocates aren’t buying it, however, and have decided to let the station know pulling the plug on the show is detrimental to Utah viewers who could benefit from a show about committed gay relationships. If you’d like to join the protest, participants will rally Wednesday in Pioneer Park and march to the KSL TV broadcast center for a peaceful rally and demonstration.

Check it out, Wednesday, Aug. 29; participants will meet at 6 p.m. at the north corner of Pioneer Park, 300 W. 300 South before the march.