TV Tonight: Happy Endings, Don't Trust the B | Buzz Blog
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TV Tonight: Happy Endings, Don't Trust the B



What's new on the T to the V tonight:

Happy Endings (ABC) Winter Finale: The gang finally learns that Jane’s birthday is on Christmas Day! So many ways for this to get inappropriate. ---

Don’t Trust the B in Apt. 23 (ABC) Winter Finale: Chloe drags June and James along to crash a party in the Hamptons. So many ways for this to get felonious.

Private Practice (ABC) Winter Finale: Something weepy and near-alternative-medicine-related, no doubt.

NCIS (CBS) Winter Finale: Lighthearted nautical crime and Christmas hijinx your mom will enjoy, East Coast-style!

NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) Winter Finale: Lighthearted nautical crime and Christmas hijinx your mom will enjoy, West Coast- style!

Vegas (CBS) Winter Finale: Ralph suspects the mob had something to do with a local contractor’s murder. Nothing gets by this ol’ ranch hand.

The Voice (NBC) Season Finale: Still can’t name any previous winners, can you?

Also new tonight:
Flashpoint (Ion); Ink Master: Season Finale (Spike); Rizzoli & Isles, Leverage (TNT)