Sundance 2013: Locals Best Bets 1/20 | Buzz Blog
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Sundance 2013: Locals Best Bets 1/20


Stealth shooting at Disneyland, a mysterious Matthew McConaughey, and Harry Potter as you've never seen him before are among the more promising offerings at Salt Lake City and Ogden Sundance screenings today. ---

The word on the street (full disclosure: Haven't had a chance to see it yet myself) has been terrific for Escape from Tomorrow. Writer/director Randy Moore shot theme-park footage on the sly and without authorization for a psychological thriller about a father losing his mind during a vacation trip. There's additional psychodrama in Kill Your Darlings, a fact-based account about events circa 1943-1945, when a young Allen Ginsburg (Daniel Radcliffe) falls in with a group of radical thinkers at Columbia University, including Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs. The material gets dark at times, but proves to be more than a gimmicky historical footnote in capturing how dangerous the ideas were that the Beats were percolating.

Ogdenites should make time for Mud, the follow-up from Take Shelter writer/director Jeff Nichols. Check out the full review here.