Liner Notes: Codi Jordan | Buzz Blog
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Liner Notes: Codi Jordan


It’s approximately 750 miles from the mountain town of Eden, Utah, to the Pacific Coast of Long Beach, Calif. But for Codi Jordan, the sound that that span represents is just a groovin’ backbeat and some bar chords away. The local rock-reggae musician talks about four tracks from his forthcoming debut LP, A Little More Less.---

A brief respite from extensive touring in support of Jordan’s last album Positivity opened up a new venture into the world of advertising, where he picked up some work composing music and writing lyrics for radio ads and jingles. “We were pumping out some great stuff and it got me thinking that I might be able to pump out another solo record similar to my first record, 2008's Vacation,” Jordan says.

Jordan started an account and asked fans to donate funds. “The response was large and immediate. The question was answered -- we would make a new record, “Jordan says.

So, Jordan recorded the album in Salt Lake City with producer Matt Winegar. “I love the sound Matt was able to pull out of each song. Matt was also very adamant about using real instruments, not computer samples. So, you are hearing everything, from real guitars and drums to pencil heads, lampshades and paint-roller tins,” Jordan says. “I am very excited for the world to hear this work.”

There will be several release shows this week: Friday 3.1 @ Liquid Joe’s (1249 E. 3300 South, 9 p.m., $5) and Saturday 3.2 @ Brewskis (244 E. 2500 South, Ogden, 9 p.m., $5).


Jordan talks about four tracks from A Little More Less:

"A Little More Less"

While playing an afternoon cocktail party gig in Boulder, Colo., the manager of the event asked the band to turn it down by asking if we could, "Play a little more less." The band laughed about that for days, and I knew I had to write a song using the term. Little did I know it would end up as an ode to Utah's Female Fashion Choices and be the title track on the album.

"Let it go"

This song started out as a rap that I was going to write that was going to be so good no one would be able to question my ability as a lyricist. I then realized that was dumb and not to let negative energy motivate me to make music. I had to let it go.

"All I know"

This song started with the main guitar riff that you hear after the beat drops in the song. With this song, and the album as a whole, I wanted to be completely honest with myself and my music. I didn't want to go into the record with any particular sound or artist who I wanted to be like. I just wanted the songs that I had written to become themselves in the studio. The song highlights a lot of the things I love in life and tells the listener a little something about me.


I think the season of summer naturally takes people back a couple of years. Everyone has an amazing memory of summertime, whether it's playing sports, going to the beach or visiting some new place. I tried to take these experiences and put them to words in the hope that when people heard them set to music, they would immediately be transported to their happy summer place in their mind or, as I put, it "sunshine memories."