SLCC Culinarians Recognized by Utah Leg. | Buzz Blog
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SLCC Culinarians Recognized by Utah Leg.



In two ceremonies at the Utah State Capitol this week, Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) students were recognized and honored by members of the Utah State Senate and House of Representatives. --- The SLCC students received the appreciation for the service they've provided in the past three years preparing and serving food on Capitol Hill, part of a partnership between the Capitol Preservation Board and the SLCC Culinary Institute.

Located at SLCC's Miller Campus, the SLCC Culinary Arts program prepares students for careers in culinary arts. I've met many talented local chefs who got their start at SLCC and in programs such as ProStart.

At the State Capitol, SLCC Culinary Arts students are responsible for food preparation and service in the cafe, as well as catering many meals throughout the Capitol complex. Working at the Capitol, students can earn 1,000 hours of the 1,500 required for their associates degree.

According to SLCC, "During this legislative session alone, SLCC students will prepare and serve more than 30,000 meals. Tater tots are a particular favorite (go figure) -- more than 2,100 pounds of the potato-based food will be served during the current session, along with 1,500 pounds of chicken, 500 pounds of cheese, 450 pizzas, and 60 gallons of fry sauce."

For more information on the SLCC Culinary Arts program, click here.