How to Live With Your Parents (Until You're Cancelled) | Buzz Blog
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How to Live With Your Parents (Until You're Cancelled)


New TV shows debut tonight—and some might actually last more than a week or so. ---

How to Live With Your Parents (ABC) Series Debut: The full title is How to Live With Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life), but by the time you finish saying it this’ll be canceled. The setup: A single-mom divorcee (Sarah Chalke) falls on hard times and moves back in with her parents (Elizabeth Perkins and Brad Garrett). Funny cast; stale Old People and Young People Sure Are Different! execution; a waste of their and your time. I hear there’s a comedy called Happy Endings on Friday nights you could replace this dog with in a second, ABC—tweet me.

Spies of Warsaw (BBC America) Series Debut: If you’re into period dramas—and who isn’t?—check out Spies of Warsaw, a pre-WWII thriller starring one of the old Doctor Whos (David Tennant) and that lady from Made In Jersey (Janet Montgomery).

Rogue (DirecTV) Series Debut: If you’re into watching Thandie Newton carry a gun that probably weighs more than she does, try the new Rogue, wherein she plays a conflicted undercover cop involved with a bad guy who may or may not have killed her son. Did I say conflicted? I meant fucking crazy.