Earth Day screening: BIDDER 70 | Buzz Blog
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Earth Day screening: BIDDER 70


The Tower Theatre tonight hosts a special Earth Day premiere screening of the documentary Bidder 70, with a special celebratory subtext. ---

April 21 marked the release of Tim DeChristopher from prison after serving nearly two years for his highly publicized act of civil disobedience sabotaging the leasing of oil-drilling rights on Utah public lands. Bidder 70 chronicles more than two years between that action and his conviction, exploring the context for DeChristohper's activism, his preparations for the possible legal repercussions and the ripple effect of his principles on others.

Tonight's screening begins at 7, with a scheduled post-screening Q&A with DeChristopher and filmmakers Beth and George Gage; tickets are $15. The discussion will be streamed live to screenings taking place in approximately 50 other cities, with DeChristopher and the Gages also taking questions via social media.

A regular theatrical run of the film is currently scheduled to open locally on May 10.