Glad You Asked: The Turtles, Shawshank and Red Desert Ramblers | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: The Turtles, Shawshank and Red Desert Ramblers



Deay GYA, Do you know what it's like to live with knowledge that you've once eaten at a Golden Corral ?It was late, and after last weekend's fireworks, my friends and I were all feeling pretty hungry. So, after a few beers, we thought it would be a good idea to eat at a Golden Corral. You know, all you can eat, right?---

Well, I've made some mistakes in my life, but I now I need to tell every person I care about that I actually ate there once; it's embarrassing, and it'll haunt me forever. Anything happening today to help me deal with this horrible, deep shame? -- Marcus Frankenlin, Logan

Marcus, We all make mistakes and we all move forward. You just have to go out there and live your life, buddy. Hell, I've eaten at a Cracker Barrel before and I'm still here. To help you feel better, here are some options for today:

'60s pop band The Turtles will be at the Centennial Amphitheater in Layton this evening. The show starts at 8. Tickets are $30.

Tonight is family night at Red Butte Garden, and folk-bluegrass band the Red Desert Ramblers will be onstage. The show starts at 6. Click here for ticket information.

It's Film Buff night at Brewvies. Tonight's movie is the 1994 classic Shawshank Redemption. Watch it on the big screen for free at 10.

For today's complete list of things to do, click here
